On Saturday, October 12, I will be returning to the ring in England to wrestle against “English Bulldog” Matt Jarrett at the GL1 Leisure Center in Gloucester at an event entitled Wrestling Rampage.  This show will also feature the retirement match of UK ring legend Danny Collins, who bids his fellow Englishmen adieu in terms of in-ring competition.  I met Danny earlier this year on a card in Hannover, Germany, and we got on very well, so I am sad to see him leave the business.  However, I wish him all the best with whatever he endeavors after this…

But speaking of my match against local Gloucester hero Matt Jarrett, this will mark the first time in 13-years that I will have been on English soil to compete in a professional wrestling ring.  I last wrestled in the British Isles in 2000, for a very shady promoter, who ended up shafting me out of part of my money.  The less said about that incident and person, the better.  Now, on October 12, it’s a brand new opportunity and under different circumstances.  That said, Matt Jarrett won’t get out of this match without a fight, and I sure as hell don’t plan on leaving England after Wrestling Rampage with my head bowed.

Other big names appearing on this mega-show will be Cannonball Grizzly, Drew McDonald, Keith Myatt, Marty Jones, ROH star Luke Hawx, Skull Murphy, Frankie Sloan, and many more!  Don’t miss this show if you are in the UK on October 12!  A documentary film about British pro wrestling will be shot the same night at this event, which only adds prestige to an already loaded card.

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